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sure GCA

As a training consulting firm that provides tailored training services, sureGCA
provides GMP trainings to not only the currently hired employees but also to the newly hired employees and job seekers.

  • Online e-learning Training Courses

    Develops tailored e-learning training contents

  • Consulting on Pharma Bio Training program

    Consulting on pharma and bio training program

    Develops and provides customized training services or program공

  • Theory and Practice Training Program

    For newly hired employees and job seekers, operates training for
    workforce to be dispatched to the field

  • Training for Job Seekers and Newly Hired Employees

    Online/Offline GMP Theory Training

    Operates practical training using analysis equipment

  • Training for incumbents

    Operates theory and practice training courses to enhance
    job competence

  • Trainings on Job Seekers

    Operates theoretical and application training courses on Health
    and Medical Industry such as Medicine, Bio, Medical Devices, Food etc.